Our data center consulting experts helps you gather, organize, and determine an accurate view of all costs associated with data centers, IT infrastructure and IT services. This allows for proper analysis to identify cost savings, service improvement opportunities and cost management.
Infrastructure Assessment and Risk Analysis - We take a close look at redundancy configurations that apply to physical security, UPS systems, power distribution systems, standby generator systems, cooling, and switch-gear configurations.
Storage – Storage costs are decreasing yet consumption is growing. We help you gather information on existing storage use and plan for future growth. Strategies are created to improve existing storage performance & redundancy.
Network and Telephony – The data center network area is a significant part of IT complexity and expense. We inventory, analyze and help you decrease costs while maximizing network efficiency. The largest network cost is unplanned downtime therefore network modernization and redundancy is a primary goal.
Hardware Refresh and Software Upgrades – Servers have hidden costs as they age. From wasted electricity from inefficient power-supplies to slow compute and storage I/O. We inventory your existing servers, analyze present the best and cost effective options for hard ware refreshes and consolidation. On-premise vs Hybrid data center options are also evaluated.

Creative New Solutions to Old Data Center Problems
PropelCLOUD is known for providing creative new solutions to old data center problems. We believe that the client's needs are the key to developing the appropriate short and long-term strategies. With insight and years of industry experts we are able to propose and implement flexible solutions that will stand the test of time.